Rosnik Solutions India (PLTD) is planning to support a US based organization’s Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) and Workface Planning (WFP) activities resourced from India. Candidates are expected to have 15+ years of experience in multiple positions in Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Management (EPCM) projects in supporting greenfield, brownfield, and revamp execution. AWP Manager’s responsibilities include interfacing and aligning with EPC groups during design and sequencing design and material delivery to support path of construction. The candidate is expected to have implemented AWP best practices during design phase and taken program through construction and turnover in the field. Desirable experiences include expertise in AWP, WFP, Quality, and Field Engineering. AWP planning manager is expected to support the needs in the entire Asian region. Appropriate candidate will be eventually involved in hiring and managing this Rosnik office.
- Be the face and voice on the ground
- Build quality working relationships with clients
- Develop less experienced candidates to perform as AWP planners in future
- Flag risks and options for mitigation
- Regular work hours only
Desirable Experience
Core Experience
- Facilitate development of the Path of Construction, identify optimization opportunities
- Work with EP&C and Project Controls to develop logical work package sequencing in support of the Path of Construction
- Participate in constructability reviews to provide input on design and execution optimization
- Generate work package boundaries and create unique work package identifiers
- Maintain the CWP Mapping List to effectively map engineering deliverables to requisite work packages
- Develop tables of contents for EWPs, PWPs, CWPs and IWPs; validate throughout the project
- Review RFPs prior to release to Vendors, ensuring content and sequencing supports
- Identify AWP requirements for contractors/clients prior to issue
- Handover EWPs and CWPs – review and provide acceptance of work package
- Develop CWPs including all the required contents
- Facilitate CWP content reviews with requisite groups; update as required based on feedback
- Manage / Coach / Mentor WorkFace Planning teams in the effective application of AWP program requirements and expectations
- Audit the production of IWPs; provide constructive feedback as required
- Ensure that IWPs are released, tracked, and closed-out in alignment with AWP program requirements
Progress and Reporting
- Ensure EWP, PWP, CWP, IWP progress tracking through the setup of requisite systems and inclusion in the AWP compliant schedule
- Review project controls reports to ensure accuracy of progress updates
- Produce weekly AWP program metric reports for the project team
- Be an active contributor to the Lessons Learned program
Expected Skills
- Advanced Work Packaging (AWP)
- Microsoft Office
- Appropriate scheduling software
- Effective Leadership
- Customer Service/Customer Focus
- Delivering Results
- Oral and written communication skills
- Analytical and problem-solving ability
- The ability to work as part of a team
- The capacity to motivate and lead a team
- Creativity and innovation
- Strong IT skills
- A careful and methodical approach with good attention to detail
- Commercial and business awareness
Degree in Civil/Mechanical Engineering