Introductory concepts for Strategy Teams
This 2-day interactive workshop is designed with specific industry case studies targeting individuals responsible for evaluating major financial investments, alternative business strategies, key projects or complex decisions aimed at creating business value.
Participants achieve a working knowledge and understanding of this best practice approach to decision situations to support Strategy Teams
Introductory concepts for Executives
This half day interactive workshop provides an overview of the decision process and focuses on building confidence in the Executive’s role to interact with the strategy teams at each stage of the process and set a clear set of objectives for decision criteria and boundaries
Strategy Teams Coaching
In addition to the facilitation training described above, Rosnik also provides a coaching support for Framing and/or Evaluation for a specific project to assist Strategy Team members with limited decision process experience
Client Capability Development Training
We provide the training to create a client’s capability to apply the decision process with internal resources
The scope of this effort is to train a group of individuals on each of the Rosnik methodology process elements with hands on use of the tools and techniques followed by a test case to apply the concepts to become effective facilitators.