Value Creation

Our experience indicates that application of the Rosnik Strategy Solutions decision process results in significant incremental value creation (>25%), relative to the conventional decision processes approach

The Rosnik Approach creates value for clients in three basic ways:

  • Achieving organizational alignment by engaging Decision Makers in defining the project scope and boundaries saves time and alignment on identification of broad potential solutions to consider, ensures all viable options are considered
  • Minimizing recycle improves schedule and increases organizational efficiency
  • Defining an optimized strategy that identifies the sources and level of risk that enables the development of risk mitigating strategies to maximize value

Customer Value is delivered by facilitating client teams to

  • Identify a robust set of alternatives that considers the full decision space.
  • Quantify the risk and upside potential for the identified alternatives
  • Establish an optimized strategy that preserves value through risk mitigation strategies.
  • Achieve organizational alignment among stakeholders
  • Effective utilization of client resources with minimum recycle


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