The Engineering Solutions division provides services principally focused on Downstream and Petrochemical industries. Our Corporate offices in Houston and our high efficiency center in India provide engineering support to create competitive advantage for our clients. Rosnik delivers lower Capital cost solutions by use of highly qualified & experienced staff augmented by our high efficiency subsidiary in India
Global energy markets are constantly adjusting to meet demand while regulatory and societal trends continually steer the industry toward cleaner production methods and product specifications ...
Rosnik believe in “get it right the first time”. A combination of fit-for-purpose tools and the right skill sets to collaboratively attain capital efficiency and meet business objectives of our clients ...
The basic engineering services offered by Rosnik consist of core documentation of projects, including process flow diagrams, heat & mass balances, piping and instrumentation diagrams ...
Detailed engineering work will be completed by our high efficiency subsidiary Rosnik Solutions (India) and its partner engineering services providing companies. Rosnik work with construction ...
Project management is one of the most fundamental aspects of any major project in the in the downstream refining and petrochemical industries.
Several Capital Projects are designed at the high efficiency centers in India. These projects are an investment in resolving core operational and reliability